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What is a Pap Smear? – Brooklyn Abortion Clinic

What is a Pap Smear - Brooklyn Abortion Clinic

What is a Pap Smear? – Brooklyn Abortion Clinic


Feb 2, 2016


Pap smear is also known as the Pap test. It is shortened from the name of the doctor Papanicolaou. Dr. Papanicolaou was the one who developed this screening test, used to detect any abnormal cells in the cervix uteri. Cells in the cervix uteri can become abnormal due to different reasons like se...

5 Top Abortion Myths

5 Top Abortion Myths


Dec 4, 2015


Are you pregnant? Is it an unplanned pregnancy? Are you thinking about abortion? If, yes, reading this article might help you answer some of the questions you might have about abortion myths. However, if you are considering an abortion as an option to terminate your pregnancy, talk to your docto...

Brooklyn Abortion Clinic