
The Only NYS Approved by
DOH Surgical Facility

(718) 369-1900

*Same Day Appointments, Walk-Ins Welcome



Abortion Facility Walk-through
(718) 369-1900

Pregnancy Tool

How many weeks have you been pregnant? On average, there are 28 days in a normal menstrual cycle, but it can last from as little as 22 to as many as 44 days.

DISCLAIMER: This calculator is not a diagnosis.

The calculations that are provided are estimates based on averages.


Labiaplasty (also labioplasty) is a plastic surgery gynecological procedure for altering the labia minora and the labia majora, the paired tissue structures bounding the vestibule of the vulva. The indications for the correction of labial hypertrophy are two-fold: (i) the correction of defect and deformity, and (ii) the cosmetic refinement of the pudendum femininum. While there are no formal medical definitions of labia minora hypertrophy (e.g. length, width, girth), labiaplasty alters the condition wherein a woman presents labia minora that are disproportionately greater than her labia majora; the labioplastic alteration of the proportions creates less asymmetrical labia minora that are aesthetically satisfactory to the women who undergo the procedure. Labiaplasty corrections include clinical presentations of congenital defects and congenital abnormalities, such as vaginal atresia (absent vaginal passage), Müllerian agenesis (malformed uterus and fallopian tubes), intersex conditions (male and female sexual characteristics in a person), etc.; and the exterior cosmetic refinement of the vulvo-vaginal complex, to repair the tearing and stretching of the labia minora caused by the mechanical stresses of childbirth, accident, and age. Furthermore, in other surgical practice, within a male-to-female sexual reassignment vaginoplasty operation for the creation of a neovagina, a labiaplasty procedure creates labia where once there were none.

The front desk staff was very nice and professional. The surgical and recovery team was very warm and comforting.

Kamisha Williams

Visit our Surgical Abortion page for more information. You will also find critical tips regarding before and after your procedure.


Brooklyn Abortion Clinic