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Birth Control Pill after Abortion: Side Effects and Effectiveness

Birth Control Pill after Abortion: Side Effects and Effectiveness


May 13, 2016


Birth control pill is a common oral contraception method used by women worldwide. It has been estimated that around 100 million women worldwide use these pills to prevent any unwanted pregnancies.Benefits of Contraceptive Pills Birth control pill is a reliable contraceptive method, which ha...

What is a Pap Smear - Brooklyn Abortion Clinic

What is a Pap Smear? – Brooklyn Abortion Clinic


Feb 2, 2016


Pap smear is also known as the Pap test. It is shortened from the name of the doctor Papanicolaou. Dr. Papanicolaou was the one who developed this screening test, used to detect any abnormal cells in the cervix uteri. Cells in the cervix uteri can become abnormal due to different reasons like se...

Dental Dams for STDs Prevention

Dental Dams for STDs Prevention


Jan 19, 2016


Healthy reproductive organs are an important aspect of a woman’s life, not only because they help her procreate but also because they are imperative to sexual health. A sexually active woman is always at a risk of STDs or sexually transmitted diseases, a set of extremely difficult to treat, lo...

Breast Cancer Prevention Top 5 Tips

Breast Cancer Prevention Top 5 Tips


Dec 10, 2015


The growing incidence of breast cancer today, makes it the number one health concern among women. Fortunately, research shows that several measures are likely to prevent or delay the onset of breast cancer in most women. However, one cannot change the genetic makeup of one’s body, so a famil...

Brooklyn Abortion Clinic