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Medical Abortion | Abortion Without Surgery

Medical Abortion | Abortion Without Surgery
Medical Abortion | Abortion Without Surgery

I Need an Abortion but Without Surgery

Yes, you can precisely opt for it. Surgical abortion procedures are age-old suction-evacuation or dilatation-evacuation and there you need to be anaesthetized and exposed to instrumentation. You can avoid these by opting pregnancy termination by medical methods provided you have missed your period recently. This is called “medical abortion” by which both your privacy as well as safety is assured. Even sometimes it can be self-employed.

What Is Medical Abortion?

Termination of pregnancy nonsurgically by using two drugs named mifepristone and misoprostol is termed as medical abortion. You have to take one 200mg mifepristone tablet first. Some amount of bleeding will start. Then after 48 hours you have to push four misoprostol 200microgram tablets inside vagina. This will contract the uterus and expels the aborted fetus.  The procedure will be completed within one to two weeks.

Does It Act in Any Stage of Pregnancy?

Medical method is suitable only for early pregnancy termination – when you have missed period within 9 weeks. You cannot opt for this if your pregnancy crosses 63 days following missed period. In that cases chances of incomplete medical abortion are there.

How Frequently I Have to Visit the Clinic If I Opt for This?

Three visits are needed.

Day 1 –  for a basic screening and intake of mifepristone orally

Day 3 – four tablets of misoprostol to be inserted vaginally and

Day 15 – a check up to ensure the medical abortion is complete.

Can Anyone Opt for It for Early Pregnancy Termination?

Some contraindications are there. If you are a smoker, hypertensive, anemic, epileptic or a patient of heart or kidney disease – you should not opt for it. You should not opt for it if you are unsure about your last menstrual period.

How Much Effective Is It to Clear Everything from Inside?

Medical abortion has a success rate of 95-99% in cases of 7 weeks pregnancy.1% may require surgical evacuation due to heavy bleeding, 2-3% may be incomplete and 1% may fail to abort. In all these situations, suction evacuation is needed to complete the procedure.

Is This Riskier in Comparison to Surgical Abortion Where the Whole Thing Completed Within an Hour?

As previously told, though rare, but chances of substantial bleeding or incomplete clearance after the medical abortion are there… so you should have an access to your clinic if emergency arises.

Can I Continue Normal Day to Day Activities While I Am Taking This Abortion-Pill?

You may have minor complaints like nausea, vomiting, rigors, pain abdomen or diarrhea. Otherwise you need not have to be worried for the bleeding as its pattern is usually just like your menstrual flow.

How Can I Be Sure That the Process Is Complete?

Usually you have to wait for 15 days at least for complete evacuation. Persistence of bleeding for more than 15 days or absence of any form of bleeding signifies medical abortion failure. You need an urgent consultation in that case. A third visit ultrasonography will help to diagnose the situation. In these cases, surgical clearance is the next step.

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About Author

Dr. Dmitry Bronfman

Dmitry Bronfman, MD, is a board-certified gynecologist who specializes in all aspects of contemporary women’s health, preventive medicine, pelvic pain, minimally invasive and robotic surgery, and general, adolescent, and menopausal gynecology.

Brooklyn Abortion Clinic